Mortred or Phantom assassin is one of the coolest heroes in dota1 and playing with it is so important specially at the first of the game because you have low hp and you will die easily so you have a great potential to become feeder and if this happens , they will bring their main items sooner and I promise you that you will lose the game .
So the strategy of playing with mortred specially for beginners is to go woods at the first of the game and after buying their necessary items come to fights .
Always remember this , Mortred will shine in the end of the game so be Patient and wait for your moment .
summery of the article :
- – Mortred levels
- – Mortred items
- – Mortred ability tree
Phantom assassin skills :
۱٫ stifling dagger

When use this level Mortred will throw a dagger and slow enemy for 1.75/2.5/3.25/4 seconds and also deals damage with the enemy .
It will give the enemy 65 + 25%/40%/55%/70% of mortred’s attack damage . and your critical works on it too .
۲٫ phantom strike

She blinks for 1000 range and adds 100/125/150/175 bonus attack speed for 2 seconds .
۳٫ Blur

It gives you evasion , it means 20%/30%/40%/50% on enemy attacks will miss and when you activate it you will become invisible on the map and creeps won’t be able to attack you .
۴٫ coup de grace

You will get 15% chance to 2x/3.25x/4.5x critical .
Phantom assassin items
At the firs of the game if you are going to woods be sure to buy Quelling blade so you can give the creeps more damage .

After you earned money you will need life steal as your first item . so you have to buy mask of death .

Remember that the stunner heroes mike lion or sand king are your worst enemy then if there is such heroes in enemy’s team black king bar is the most necessary item for you .

After that go straight for Cranium basher , after you bought this item you will be able to kill Roshan , so do it if need to .

Now you can start killing enemies .
If you need more attack speed you can pick Maelstrom or Mjollnir or even moon shard item .

Stygian desolator is good item for Mortred too and makes her really powerful .

Now if the enemy had too many stunners that your avatar couldn’t stay enough you can buy battle fury to kill them all before the end of your Avatar .

Now you are a really dangerous hero .
And for you next items you can upgrade mask of death to Satanic .

Or use a moon shard an activates it

You can also upgrade your Basher item to Abyssal blade .

Phantom assassin ability tree :

This is the picture of Mortred’s ability tree and I suggest you to pick the yellow options because at level 10 you will get 15 damages and that will become 60 more damage with your 4x critical . and at level 15 you will get 15% lifesteal and that will become 30% with your mask of death ‘ it means you have a Satanic on level 15 and its great .
Level 20 depends on the game situation ‘ if you couldent stay in battles get 25% blur evasion but if you want to get more powerful pick -4 armor corruption and it will become -21 with your desolator item . in the end I rather to pick 10% coup de grace because after that you will got the most powerful critical in the whole game and you will kill everyone so easy .
Our article ends here I hope that will be useful for you , if you have any question you can easily communicate with us please don’t be shy and ask you question .you can download RGC or ATINAD For Playing Dota1 online.
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