Here we want to tell you how Dota 1 items work . before everything if you need to download the game , just tap on the link . buying items depends on the time , game situation and your playing style . even if you have the best hero in the game but you don’t use the spells correctly and don’t pick the right items , you will be the weakest player in the game . so we decided to explain the function of items for you to prevent this happening .
summary of article :
what is an item ?
how to pick an item ?
how items work , one by one
آنچه در این مطلب می خوانید
?what is Dota 1 item
items are some tools and staffs that gives you some abilities when you buy them . in fact half of the game depends on your choice and the way you use them .
How to Pick an item in Dota 1
- Picking items related to game’s situation
Imagine that you are in the middle of the game and your teammates doesn’t succeed to buy items , even the one who went to woods have died couple of times and now he doesn’t have anything . in this time you need to buy item related to game’s situation . for example a hero like naix will have to buy items that makes him a tank like vanguard and return .

- Picking items related to time
Imagine 50 minauts have passed from the first of the game , and now anything you have is not important . now you need some items that can break the bad and change the game result like Divine , Heart and battle fury .
- Picking items related to your playing style .
Beginner players usually have different items styles for example they prefer to use passive items instead of active ones .
And some of the players who has more experience are more comfortable with some items . for example I’m more comfortable with dagger than Lotharedge .
However there is some solutions for this and the best one is to use a warkey like Garena Total . you can inter the garena total downloading page to download it and learn how to use it .
Where is the place of each item ?
As you know Dota 1 items are in different places . in this part we will show you all of the places and we will tell you how they work .
Dota 1 items in the cache of the quellthelan .

Gloves of haste : this will give your hero 15 attack speed

Mask of death : this one gives you 15% life steal . and you will gain hp with each one of your attacks .

Ring of regeneration : using this ring will regenerate 2 hp per second for you

Kelensdagger : you can blink anywhere you want but if the enemy hero hit you it will be disabled for 3 seconds .

Sobimask : you get 50% mana regeneration . this is a good item for heroes who need mana at first of the game and it would be better if you convert it into soul ring .

Boots of speed : it gives you 55 movement speed

The item below is one of the best items to prevent enemy carry heroes ttacks .
Ghostsceptrr : this item doesn’t let enemy heroes hit you for 4 second but in this time you will get 40% more damage from spells and its one of the most useful items in dota specially for intelligence heroes .

Planeswalkercloak : you will get 15% protection for the spells and thy will damage you 15% less than the real damage .

Ring of health : it will regenerate you hp for 4 units per second .

Void stone : it will regenerate 100% of you mana and its one the most useful items to speed up mana regeneration .

Windlace : gives you 20 movement speed

Shadow armlet : gives you 20% attack speed and in the older maps you can become invisible by clicking on it but now this ability has been removed .

Dota 1 items in the ancient of wonders .

Cheapest items in dota 1 .
Items in this place are so cheap but they are really useful and we will tell you how they work .
Clarity potion : this will gives you 100 mana in 30 seconds .

Healing salve : gives you 400 hp in 10 seconds and usually it is useful in the first of the game .

Ancient tango of esssifation : this is one the items that usually everyone will buy in the first of the game and it will give you hp . you need to clivk on this and then click on a tree to use it .

Dota 1 transportation items
Animal courier : this item works like taxi and you can use it to go to anyplace and buy items and bring them for you and you can upgrade it to a flying courier . so you don’t have to go for buying items by your self anymore .

Smoke : this will make you and your teammates invisible in a special area of effect and it will also gives you 15% movement speed . but it will be disabled with the first attack you get .
Flying courier : this is the bird we talked before , you can convert the amimal courier to this to get the items faster

Town portal : you can teleport to each one of your building in the map in few minutes and in has 65 seconds cool down .

Dota 1 items in the black market .

Items in this place are side items like the last place .
Tom of knowledge : using this item will give you 835 xp . for example you can jump to next level by using this item .

Gem of true sight : you can see all of invisible things like wards and heroes but you will lose it if you die and it is one of the most important items in the game .

Orb of venom : it will poison your attacks in the game . it gives enemy hero 3 damage per second and it will slow them : 4% for range heroes and 12% for melee heroes

Bottle : it will give you 135 hp and 70 mana with each use and after 3 times that you used it , it will become empty and you can make it full again with rune powers or getting back to base .

If any team doesn’t use the items below it will be the loser of the game .
Observerwards : usually supporter heroes use this item to make dark parts of the map visible .

Sentrywards : this is for removing the last item and if any invisible hero come near to this will become visible

Dust of appearance : it will make all the invisible heroes visible in a special area of effect around you , so you can see them and chase them . the difference between dust and sentry wards is that you can have dust with you and use it anywhere you want but sentry just can be used in an special place

Smoke of decit : you can use it 3 times after you buy it and after clicking on it you and your nearby heroes become invisible and a black smoke will appear around you . for example you can use it when you want to enter enemy’s farm but if you go near to towers you will become visible .

Dota 1 items in the weapons dealer .

Blades of attack : it will gives you 6 damage .

Broadsword : buying this weapon will give you 18 damage .

Quarterstaff : this item gives you 10% attack speed and 10 damage .

Claymore : gives you 21 damage

Ring of protection : it gives you 2 armor .

Stoutshield : this item gives you 60% chance to block 20 damages .

Javelin : it gives you 21 damage and 40% chance that your attack will have 40 more damage .

Mithrilhammer : gives you 24 damage

Chainmail : this one gives you 5 armor .

Helm of iron will : gives you 5 armor and 3 hp regen .

Quelling blade : this axe gives range heroes 16% and mele heroes 32% to increase damage .

Blight stone : with each attack will reduce 2 armor of enemy hero for 8 second .

Dota 1 items in the leragas the vile .

Demon edge : it will give you 46 damage

Eaglehorn : gives you 25 agility .

Messerschmidtsreaver : gives you 25 strange and it’s one the most important items of heart .

Sacredrelic : gives your hero 60 damage .

Hyperstone : increase your attack speed by 55% .

Platemail : gives you 10 armor

Talisman of evasion : gives you 25% evasion

Mysticstaff : gives you 25 intelligence

Energy booster : gives you 250 base mana point .

Pointbooster : gives you 150 hp point and 250 mana point .

Vitality booster : gives you 250 base hp point

Ultimateorb : gives 10 all attributes .

Dota 1 items in the gryla the accessorozer .

The items which makes aghanim or sangyasha
Gauntlets of strength : gives you 3 strange .

Slippers of agility : gives you 3 agilities .

Mantle of intelligence : gives you 3 intelligence .

Ironwoodbranch : gives 1 point to all attribute

Belt of giant strength : gives you 6 strange point and its one of the sang items .

Boots of elvenskin : it will give you 6 agility point . most of the new players think that it is boots of speed by mistake .

Robe of the magi : gives you 6 intelligence points .

Circle of nobility : it’s like the iron wood branch but it will gives 2 points to all attribute .

Ogre axe : gives you 10 strange .

Blades of alacrity : gives you 10 agility

Staff of wizardry : gives you 10 intelligence

Magic stick : any time a hero cast a spell in 1400 aoe it will charge 1 time and could be charge until 10 times and each time you use it , it will give you 15 hp and 15 mana .

For learning the compound items you only need to search the item name in the search box . if you have any question or any comment you can contact us by the box below . also you can play dota online with RGC and Atinad .
Frequently Asked Questions :
What items do for me ?
Items will increase you power and also give you new abilities .
How to pick item ?
For picking each item you need to buy it and some times you need to compound some of them to make the one you want .
Which item I have to pick for my hero ?
First you need to know each hero then learn about items .
You Can Play Dota1 on RGC and ATINAD Platforms
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